It’s hard to believe that it was only a year ago, as we emerged from various states of lockdown, that we set out to create a Journal that explored South Africa’s great west – it’s people and its cuisine – in a way we had never done before. Travelling abroad wasn’t on the cards, and why would we want to when there was a whole world right here to explore? Everywhere you went, the fear of the pandemic was still very real. But looking at what we had on our very doorstep, and with the imminent birth of Klein JAN, we realised that this was an opportunity to rediscover the myth and magic of Africa – and to remind us, no matter who we are, where we come from.
The response to Volume 6 was humbling. As a publisher ourselves, books are our lifeblood, but it’s only when you experience the power your own work holds – how much it can inspire others – that you truly appreciate the craft. There’s so much beauty in sharing one’s experiences in a way that makes the world we live in just that little bit more magical. It is certainly what inspires us about the work of others.
The demand for the book, and the feedback we got, made it so apparent that, just as we had yearned to capture the essence of our country, you were yearning for that experience too. After 3 years, the Journal had become your experience just as much as it has been ours. And since the launch of Volume 6, it’s been heartwarming to open Instagram and see all these incredible moments captured by others who were inspired to explore the riches of the Northern Cape, arguably our most underrated province.
Without intending to, we had embarked on a quest for the forgotten remnants of our shared past as a culture while making this book. The experience was an important one in the Journal’s chronicle. Where 6 explored our past treasures, Volume 7 began to innovate those ideas. A seed had been planted that has since germinated. For this reason, Journal 6 was a major turning point for us. The Kalahari sand had gotten into our boots, which will forever connect us to the earth and all its treasures.