

Last Friday night, on 5 March 2021, I hosted a virtual Boujee Braai with Carl Wastie and Zoë Brown, KFM’s Flashdrive team, on the roof of JAN Innovation Studio in Cape Town. As the sun set on Table Mountain behind us (what a perfect night!), we made the most delicious spread, including a cheese platter on top of a potbrood, Kudu fillets, braaied macarons and fire-baked pumpkin – all while sipping on piscines (Riviera-style bubbly on ice). If you missed it, what a shame! Definitely look out for the next one. Meanwhile, why not take a foodie tour of what we got up to? Time to boujee up your braai game?



300 g boerewors

olive oil

1 onion, peeled and sliced

1 garlic clove, sliced

2,5 ml coriander seeds

1 ml cumin seeds

250 ml beef stock

500 ml cream

salt and freshly ground black pepper


Braai the boerewors on the braai (alternatively you can braai the boerewors in a pan) making sure that it’s thoroughly cooked, and you get a good, smokey flavour. Chop the boerewors into small pieces.

Drizzle a little olive oil into a saucepan and add the onion and garlic. Fry over a low heat until the onion is soft and translucent. Add the coriander seeds and cumin and cook for 1 minute.

Add the chopped boerewors and stock, bring to a simmer and cook uncovered till stock is reduced by half. Add the cream and cook uncovered until the cream has reduced by half. Season with salt and pepper.

Blend the sauce till smooth, then pass through a chinois.

Serve with roasted pumpkin or veg of your choice.