Over the last year, my team and I have captured a truly special collection of conversations about the topics that matter most to us as we launched the JAN Innovation Academy. Whether delving into challenging but important questions, like how to build greater mental resilience in the workplace, getting stuck into the ins and outs of starting your own restaurant – or simply indulging my creative passions, like setting a beautiful table or food photography – the more conversations we capture, the more they grow.
We want to live relevant, informed, and sustainable lives. We want to be able to hold a conversation about the things that make us tick. We’re curious. But in a world where information is everywhere, it can be hard to extract what really resonates with us. I want these sessions to form an expanding, fuller picture of the world we live in by sharing my personal experiences with you in a real and honest way.
In each session, I invite an expert into my lounge – wherever that may be – and connect with them to find out what makes them tick, how they approach the things they’ve made a success of, and what their secrets are. Then, through a carefully structured course, we unpack each conversation, and augment it with thoroughly researched, up-to-date content that will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to finally delve deeper into your passions, and to live your dreams. Who knows, you might even change your career, start a new hobby, or embark on a new life’s journey.
Above all, we founded the Academy as a way to give back to the industries into which I took my first steps. It is our main channel for corporate social investment and extends beyond virtual education to the upliftment of students with little or no prior formal training, by integrating them into the teams at JAN Innovation Studio, Klein JAN and Restaurant JAN. We look forward to presenting our content in communities that are faced with a lack of access to post-school education, and to helping restore local forest ecosystems by planting a tree for every Academy course sold.
The future is bright.