
Flatbreads with Hummus


Seeing the weather warm up in South Africa as autumn starts to blow a chill into the Riviera, I envy my fellow South Africans the season of al fresco dining and tapas-style dinners ahead of them. I’ve been besotted with beans lately, so I’m finding all kinds of excuses to capitalise on their nourishing deliciousness. For this fresh and fullsome platter, I used red speckled beans in a batch of flatbreads made to mop up the smokey hummus I made of the same bean. I have to say, the platter was polished long before the wine.


for the beans

250 ml IMBO Red Speckled Beans

750 ml cold water

for the flat bread

10 g instant yeast

5 ml sugar

5 ml salt

520 g (930 ml) cake flour

300 g cooked IMBO Red Speckled Beans

190 ml warm water

125 ml warm milk

15 ml olive oil

for the smoked bean hummus

300 g cooked IMBO Red Speckled beans

4 rooibos tea bags

125 g tahini paste

2 garlic cloves, crushed

juice of 1 lemon

100 ml water

salt and freshly ground black pepper

for the vegetables

2 aubergines


olive oil

6 large tomatoes, halved

salt and freshly ground black pepper

basil leaves

fresh coriander leaves


for the beans

Rinse the beans in a colander with cold water. Place the beans in the a saucepan with the 750 ml water and bring to boiling. Let it boil for 5 minutes.

Take the saucepan of the heat and close with a lid. Let it soak for 60 minutes.

Drain and rinse the soaked beans. Place the soaked beans back in a saucepan.

Add enough boiling water to cover the beans and simmer with the lid tilted for 60 minutes, or until soft.

for the flat bread

Place the yeast, sugar, salt and cake flour in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook.

Place the cooked beans in a food processor and puree until smooth. Add to the dry ingredients.

Mix through and add the water, milk and oil. Mix and knead for 10 minutes.

Turn the dough out on a floured surface and knead for another 5 minutes.

Rub olive oil in a clean bowl and place the dough inside. Rub more olive on top of dough and cover. Place bowl in a warm place and let it double in size. This could take up to 1½ hours – it all depends on warm it is.

Knead the dough again and divide into 6 balls. Roll each ball in a oval shape.

Heat a griddle pan and place on bread on tray. Let it cook for 3 – 4 minutes and turn them over. Cook on the other side for another 3 – 4 minutes.

Take out of pan and place on a big kitchen towel and cover to keep warm. Repeat with rest of the breads.

for the smoked bean hummus

Use metal roaster and place the beans in a small metal bowl. Place the beans in the roaster on one side. Open the tea bags and pour the tea leaves next to the bowl of beans.

Cover the roaster tightly with foil. Make a hole in the foil above the bowl with beans.

Place the roaster on your stovetop – the side where the tea is must be on the heat. Heat till it start smoking and smoke the beans for 4 minutes. take of and open the foil.

Place the beans in a food processor and add the tahini and garlic. Puree till smooth. Add the water and lemon juice. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

Spoon in a serving bowl and drizzle a little olive oil on top.

for the vegetables

Slice the aubergines in 1 cm slices. Place on kitchen towel and sprinkle with a little. salt. Let it stand for about 20 minutes.

Pour olive oil in a frying pan – the oil must be about 0,5 cm deep. Fry the aubergines on both sides till golden and soft.

Heat the oven to 200 ° Drizzle a little olive on a baking tray. Place the tomatoes on top and drizzle a little olive oil on top. Season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven and roast for about 25 minutes.

Serve the flatbreads with the bean hummus, roasted tomatoes, fried aubergines, fresh basil and coriander leaves.

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