
Apple and Pistachio Tart


When you’re plating to precision all day, sending out one sculptural dish after another, you tend to resort to simpler, homecooked fare in your downtime. This apple tart has been my personal go-to for more than 10 years, and to this day remains one of our favourite desserts when my team and I eat together before service at JAN. Everybody needs at least one good apple dessert in their repertoire, and if you hadn’t found yours until today, you have now.

Apple and Pistachio Tart

Prep time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 45 minutes | Serves: 6 – 8


for the apple tart

45 ml butter (soft)

250 ml granulated sugar

3 eggs, large

250 ml cake flour

5 ml baking powder

1,25 ml fine salt

60 ml full cream milk

2,5 ml vanilla essence

385 g apple slices, drained (1 tin)

40 g pistachio nuts, de-shelled

for the sauce

250 ml full cream milk

125 ml evaporated milk

125 ml granulated sugar

5 ml vanilla essence


for the apple tart

Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C and prepare a 23 cm quiche tin by spraying with a non-stick baking spray. In the bowl of a stand-up mixer use the whisk attachment to cream the butter and sugar together on medium speed until pale yellow in colour and resembles a fluffy texture. Add one egg at a time while mixing, making sure the first egg is mixed in thoroughly before adding the next. Stop the mixer and sift in the flour, baking powder, and salt and mix well on a low speed until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the milk and vanilla and whisk for another 30 seconds. Pour the mixture into the prepared quiche tin and arrange the apple slices (drained) and whole pistachio nuts on top.  Bake for 40 min.

for the sauce

Start making the sauce 5 – 10 minutes before the apple tart will come out of the oven to ensure the sauce is warm when pouring over the tart. In a medium saucepan bring all the ingredients to a gentle simmer and cook for 5 – 10 minutes or until the sugar has melted, stirring occasionally. Pour the warm sauce over the tart as soon as you remove it from the oven.

Serve the apple tart with cream or custard.