The mosbolletjie has found its way into so many of my menus over the years, I would go so far as to say it’s one of those bakes that defines my work as a chef. But something I seldom have time to do is to bake it on the fire – the way my grandmother did in her koolstoof. In this incarnation, I took the wet elements of a mosbolletjie and combined it with the dry elements of a roosterkoek. And I would really urge you to bake it on the fire. Don’t be scared. Just remember to roll it out a little thinner than you would normally and choose your vessel wisely. Use a pot that conducts the heat evenly and check on it constantly as it bakes. The smore element is just for that classic campfire treat, but you also can’t go wrong with a generous lashing of butter and cinnamon sugar.
Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes | Serves: 6

for the dough
500 g Snowflake Cake Wheat Flour
5 ml salt
5 ml aniseeds
5 ml sugar
5 ml instant dry yeast
20 ml butter
280 ml water
40 ml milk
extra flour for dusting
sosatie sticks
for the filling
100 g mini marshmallows
80g dark chocolate chopped
for the garnish
500 g mixed fresh berries
150 ml cream
30 ml castor sugar
2.5 ml vanilla essence

Sift all the dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl. In a small pot add the butter and water together and melt, remove from the heat and add the milk. Allow to cool to room temperature. Mix for about 5 minutes until all the ingredients are combined and place on a lightly floured surface. Knead the dough for 5 – 10 min.
The dough must be smooth and have an elastic consistency. Place the dough in a mixing bowl that is lightly oiled. Cover the bowl and allow to prove for 30 min, or until the dough has doubled in size.

Remove dough from mixing bowl and place on a lightly floured surface, then roll into a rectangle and sprinkle with chopped chocolate and half of the marshmallows. Start rolling from the left side of the dough until the dough is completely rolled into a sausage shape. Slice the dough into 5 – 7 cm disks. Spray a cast iron pot with grease-proof spray and line with baking paper.
Start by placing the first disk of dough in the center and placing the pieces on a spiral shape outwards from there on. Bake on the fire or in an oven at 180°C for 30 – 40 minutes. When baking on the fire, ensure the pot is slightly away from the center of the grill. Once baked, sprinkle remaining marshmallow on top, and use the back of a spoon to spread the marshmallow out. Serve with whipped cream and fresh berries.