


I love marrying a variety of flavours. It just makes that first bite so multilayered and satisfying. At first, my idea for this recipe was to combine sweet and savoury, but what I love about Pink Lady® apples is their deliciously acidic kick, adding a surprising tartness to the mix. One snack I will always remember from my childhood is cheddar and apple. This is my homage to that classic, even though it reminds me more of cheddar biscuits and toffee apples. Delish!


TIME: 1 hour | SERVES: makes about 40


for the glass apples

4 Pink Lady® apples

for the first syrup

200 g (250 ml) sugar

250 ml water

for the second syrup

200 g (250 ml) sugar

80 ml water

for the cheddar cheese biscuits

300 g (535 ml) cake flour

200 g mature cheddar cheese, finely grated

150 g (165 ml) unsalted butter, cubed

90 ml water


for the glass apples

Heat the oven to 180 °C. Slice the apples very thinly with a mandolin slicer or use a very sharp knife. Keep the sliced apples in lemon water to prevent them from browning.

To make the first syrup, place the sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and make sure the sugar has melted before the syrup starts boiling.

Once the syrup starts to boil, take off the heat and add all the apple slices to the syrup. Let it stand for about 2 minutes. The apples will start to change colour.

Take out of the syrup and place on your work surface. Dry the apples with a kitchen towel. 

To make the second syrup, place the sugar and water in a saucepan on a medium heat. Do no stir this syrup as it heats until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and let the syrup simmer for 10 minutes until slightly thickened. The colour will just start to change.

Arrange the apples on baking trays lined with baking paper. Spoon about a teaspoonful of the second syrup on top of each apple slice and spread it out thinly. Place another sheet of baking paper on top and place in the oven for 12 – 15 minutes. Take it out and immediately remove the paper on top. Immediately also remove the apple slices from the baking paper and place on clean baking paper. Keep to one side.

for the cheddar cheese biscuits

Place the flour, cheese and salt in your food processor. Pulse until all the ingredients are well mixed. With the food processor running, add the water, little by little, until a dough forms. Take out of the food processor, place on a floured surface and roll into a long roll – about 4 cm in diameter. Cover the roll with tinfoil and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. Line the baking trays with baking paper. Take the dough roll out the fridge. Using a very sharp knife, cut into 1 cm slices. Place the slices on the baking tray and place in oven. Bake for about 20 minutes. Take out and place an apple slice on top of each biscuit. Place back in the oven for 1 minute. This process is to make sure the apples are sticking to the biscuits.

Take out and let them cool. They are best eaten the same day, but if you are using the next day do not keep them in a airtight container, as this can make the apples soft. Keep them in a container and cover with a kitchen cloth.